CentOS 6
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Cups - Clients's Settings
Configure Client PC to use network printer. This example shows to configure CentOS 6 Client.
Make sure your printer model and Get printer driver for linux from maker site first.
[2] Install Cups on Client too.
[root@local ~]#
yum -y install cups
[root@local ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups start

Starting cups:
[ OK ]

[root@local ~]#
chkconfig cups on

[3] Access to "https://localhosr:631/" with web browser and Click "Adminstration"-"Add Printer".
[4] Click "Add Printer" button.
[5] Select "internet printing protocol(http)" and go next.
[6] Specify printers place. It's "http://(server's hostname or IP address):631/printers/(printer's name)".
[7] Input printer's name or description.
[8] Select the model of your printer. If suitable one is none on the list, Click "Browse" button and select installed driver for your printer.
[9] Select default options.
[10] Settings completed.
[11] A few seconds later, following screen is shown. Select "Print Test Page" and try to print as a test
[12] If follwing paper is printed, it's OK, normally configured.